UV420 is blue light coming from sources such as LCD Monitors, Mobile phones and Tablets. UV light and other forms of high-energy light come not just from sunny skies but also from cloudy, rainy skies and even reflected light.
Short-term exposure to UV rays can cause photo-keratitis, being sunburn of the eye. Over a period of time, it can lead to cataracts. Sunlight is made up in part of high-energy visible light (HEV light) which is known to potentially cause Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) as we get older.
What is the benefits of UV 420 photochromic lens?
Photochromic lens with UV 420 protection has addition benefits where it protects the eyes from harmful effects of the sun with a broad-spectrum of UVA and UVB protection plus it is nearly clear indoors and darken automatically when exposed to sunlight.